- 1000 isGod's number of perfection and the Bible's 1000th chapter is John 3 - home of John 3:16. For God so loved the world...
- 595th chapter is Psalm 117 the exact center chapter and the shortest/only two verse chapter of the Bible...
- #50 is a number of Jubilee (freedom) and the Bible's 500th chapter is Psalm 22 -- a picture of Jesus on the Cross
- #777 is a number for sanctification/being saved and Jeremiah 32 is the 777th Bible chapter where God promises he will one day restore Israel.
- Jeremiah 25 is the "770th" Bible chapter and defines the "70" year prophecy -- v11 "these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years"
- Revelation 17 is the
chapter that speaks of 7 heads and 10 horns (7+10=17)
- Rev 17:3 "a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of
blasphemous names, having seven heads and
ten horns."
Some Great Bible Chapters : (Updated 2012-04-09)
Here is a growing list of some of the Bible's chapters well known for teaching on a specific subject. This list is not implying these chapters are more important than others but rather that they are commonly referred to by the description shown and are often read to learn about these subjects:
(By Norm Patriquin - All copies should refer readers to http://www.amazingword.com or this web page)
- Genesis 1 - God/Creation - separation, everything according to its kind
- Genesis 2 - Life was created; Man, the garden and woman
- Genesis 3 - The fall - 3:6 (666) ... she took from its fruit and ate...
- Genesis 4 - Cain killed Abel and made to be a vagrant and wanderer on the earth
- Genesis 5 - Generations, all but Enoch died, Enoch walked with God and was taken up
- Genesis 6 - Sin - God sorry he made man, flood planned
- Genesis 7 - Judgment - Ark raises on the 17th - The flood and judgment
- Genesis 8 - Rest/New Beginnings-Ark rested on the 17th - Remnant of 8 saved
- Genesis 9 - The future - rainbow is a sign of safety from flood
- Genesis 10 - Families of Noah separate into nations after the flood
- Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel - God confused their language and scattered nations
- Genesis 12 - Pharaoh takes Abram's wife and receives judgment of Plagues
- Genesis 13 - Abram and Lot separate
- Genesis 14 - Jesus the King - God Most High Chapter-Melchizedek-Jesus?
- Genesis 15 - God makes covenant with Abram and gives him the land
- Genesis 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah
- Genesis 22 - Abraham takes Isaac to be sacrificed
- Genesis 24 - Finding a wife for Isaac and he takes Rebekah as his bride
- Exodus 3 - The burning bush and Glory of God-Jesus (#3=Holiness and Righteousness of God)
- Exodus 12 - The passover, death of firstborn
- Exodus 14 - Red sea crossing
- Exodus 20 - The Ten Commandments Chapter
- Exodus 24 - The "74th" Bible chapter where God calls "74" up the mountain to see God
- Exodus 40 - Tabernacle complete and God enters it
- Leviticus 25 - Year of Jubilee - foreshadowing of Jesus victory
- Numbers 35 - Cities of refuge
- Deuteronomy 5 - Israel again given the Ten Commandments
- Deuteronomy 25 - The rules for the Kinsman Redeemer
- Joshua 2 - Spies sent into the land
- Joshua 3 - Crossing of river Jordan
- Joshua 6 - Battle of Jericho
- Judges 6 - Gideon called
- Psalm 2 - Earthly leaders will plot against God
- 1Samuel 3 - Call of Samuel
- 1Samuel 16 - anointing of David
- 1Samuel 11 - David's adultery with Bathsheba
- 1Kings 18 - Miracle of fire on Mount Carmel
- 2Kings 2 - Elijah taken up to heaven
- Nehemiah 10 - Tithing and giving to the LORD
- Psalms 22, 23, 24 -- All can be called Shepherd Psalms
- Psalm 22 - Jesus On The Cross (500th chapter-Jubilee, debt for our sin paid) - Jesus the Suffering Servant (#22)
- Psalm 23 - Good Shepherd - God with us (#23)
- Psalm 24 - Who will receive God's Blessing-Eternal life (#24)
- Psalm 45 - Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Bride (#45)
- Psalm 46 - God's Kingdom - God is our refuge and strength
- Psalm 47 - God's Kingdom - Jesus rules over all the earth
- Psalm 48 - God's Kingdom - Great is God, Praise his name, praise his holiness
- Psalm 51 - David's great confession of sin
- Psalm 72 - Praising Jesus and his future coming (20 verses relates to his coming) 72 a number about witness for Jesus
- Psalms 100-134 Psalms sung as Jews go up to Jerusalem
- Psalm 117 - Praise the LORD (shortest and exact middle chapter)
- Psalm 119 - The Word Of God Chapter (longest chapter)
- Psalm 139 - The omniscience of God. All knowing, all present
- Psalm 140 - Prayer for rescue from the wicked so we may one day dwell with God (#40)
- Psalm 141 - Prayer of calling to God to be counted-putting ones trust in the Lord
- Psalm 142 - Prayer calling out for the LORD to deliver from bondage
- Psalm 143 - A sinner whose spirit is low calling out to a righteous God
- Psalm 144 - Prayer for the Lord to come down to earth and protect and provide for men who trust him
- Psalm 145 - Praise God for he is Good-He keeps all those who love him but destroys the wicked
- Psalm 146 - Hallelujah Psalm - Every person - Praise the Lord Jesus O My Soul
- Psalm 147 - Hallelujah Psalm-Praise Jesus who is all powerful and knowing who provides for his people
- Psalm 148 - Hallelujah Psalm-Praise Jesus, creator and ruler over all the heavens and earth
- Psalm 149 - Hallelujah Psalm-Praise God for his vengeance and saving his afflicted ones
- Psalm 150 - Hallelujah Psalm-Praise God in heaven-let everyone praise the lord
- Proverbs 8 - The Wisdom Chapter
- Ecclesiastes 7 - Wickedness of men (666th chapter)
- Isaiah 14 - Fall of Satan
- Isaiah 22 - The Lord of Hosts speaks about his own return (22 # of Jesus, the Savior of the World)
- Isaiah 24 - The Day of the Lord (see Matthew 24)
- Isaiah 35 - The Millennium-Promise of restoration and transformation
- Isaiah 53 - Sufferings of the messiah - Jesus Christ
- Jeremiah 25 - The 70 year captivity (770th chapter)
- Jeremiah 32 - God will scatter Israel but promises to redeem them (777th chapter)
- Jeremiah 39 -Jerusalem captured and people taken into exile for turning from God
- Ezekiel 37 - Dry Bones vision of Israel's restoration (37=777)
- Ezekiel 38 - Prophecy of war against Gog and Magog--God/Jesus will make himself known to men
- Ezekiel 39 - God against Gog and Magog, the Day of the LORD. v22, on That Day God will make himself known to Israel (39=40-1 Israel exits wilderness wandering (40))
- Daniel 6 - Daniel found guilty - The Lion's Den
- Matthew 5 - The Beatitudes Chapter
- Matthew 17 - Transfiguration
- Matthew 24 - The coming Day of the Lord (24)
- Matthew 25 - Jesus second return and Ten Virgins (25)
- Matthew 26 - Last Supper
- Matthew 27 - Jesus crucifixion and death
- Matthew 28 - The resurrection of Jesus
- Luke 2 - Birth of Jesus
- Luke 9 - Follow me chapter
- Luke 15 - The lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son
- Luke 22 - Jesus betrayed, peter denies Jesus, Jesus is LORD
- Luke 23 - The Death of Jesus - crucifixion, trials, burial
- Luke 24 - Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (24 Jesus return)
- John 3 - The Salvation Chapter--"God so loved the world..." - (1000th chapter)
- John 6 - Jesus, the Bread of Life
- John 7 - Jesus, the Water of Life
- John 8 - Jesus, the Light of the World
- John 11 - Jesus brings Lazarus back to life
- John 13 - Jesus washes his disciples’ feet
- John 14 - Jesus reveals who he is-Father, Son, Spirit - he reveals his plan (#14)
- John 15 - The Vine and the Branches
- John 16 - Jesus gives the Holy Spirit (#16=The Godly)
- John 17 - The Great High Priestly Prayer
- John 18 - Jesus, betrayed and alone-arrested and abandoned by his disciples (#18=6+6+6=sin)
- John 19 - Jesus-"King of the Jews", persecution, crucifixion and burial
- John 20 - Resurrection of Jesus (1017th chapter)
- Romans 1 - Set apart and things being apart--sin separates us from God
- Romans 2 - The coming judgment of God--will judge us on our heart, not our actions
- Romans 3 - Righteousness of God vs unrighteousness of men
- Romans 4 - Examples of faith, salvation is by faith alone
- Romans 5 - Condemned to death but salvation comes through grace
- Romans 6 - Sin and death--do not continue in sin
- Romans 7 - Set free from the Law-we do what we don't want to do
- Romans 8 - Godly cannot be condemned or separated from Jesus
- Romans 9 - To Jews--Jesus is the Christ who will one day save those who believe
- Romans 10 - God calls to obstinate Jews--those calling on Jesus will be saved
- Romans 11 - Israel cursed but not rejected by God-Gentiles to accept them
- Romans 12 - Be transformed and do not judge-all are members of one body
- Romans 13 - Submit to authorities; God, Jesus and governing authorities
- Romans 14 - Jesus is the judge who decides--every knee will bow to him
- Romans 15 - Saved Jews and Gentiles to preach together to the world
- Romans 16 - Greet with a holy kiss - examples of the Godly
- 1Corinthians 6 - Flee immorality--the immoral man sins against his own body. (6=sin and repentance)
- 1Corinthians 7 - The Marriage Chapter
- 1Corinthians 13 - Love Chapter - God's ways vs man's ways
- 1Corinthians 14 - Tongues chapter - doing things in an orderly manner
- 1Corinthians 15 - The Resurrection Chapter
- Ephesians 4 - The Unity of Believers
- Ephesians 5 - Comparing marriage to Jesus love for the church
- Ephesians 6 - The Spiritual battle and the armor of God (C#1103)
- Colossians 2 - Deception of false religions
- 1Thessolonians 4 - Believers to be caught up up (rapture)
- 1Timothy 6 - Love of money is root of evil'
- Titus 1 - Liars chapter - Lying, deceiving, lack of truth
- Hebrews 1 - Jesus at God's right hand
- Hebrews 2 - God's plan of salvation through Jesus
- Hebrews 3 - Builder of all things is God, Jesus is only way
- Hebrews 4 - Be diligent in our walk to enter God's Rest
- Hebrews 5 - Seek to understand Jesus, solid food for the mature
- Hebrews 6 - Warning not to fall back into sin
- Hebrews 7 - Jesus is the perfect High Priest - Source of salvation
- Hebrews 8 - New Covenant - giving of God's Holy Spirit
- Hebrews 9 - Christ, offered as a blood sacrifice, will return for our salvation
- Hebrews 10 - Christ will come, the righteous must not shrink back
- Hebrews 11 - Encouragement to have faith through extreme trials--examples of the faithful
- Hebrews 12 - God disciplines to make us complete--Fear God
- Hebrews 13 -Strong orders to live Godly lives as being ungodly has a cost
- James 3 - The Tongue Chapter
- 1John 1 - The Fellowship Chapter
- Revelation 5 - Only Jesus worthy to open the book
- Revelation 6 - 6 of seven seals broken
- Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses
- Revelation 13 - The Beast w/number of man 6-6-6 (18th verse; 1180th chapter and 18=6+6+6)
- Revelation 14 - Jesus, The Lamb of God (#14=Jesus the King)
- Revelation 17 - The mystery of the harlot who rides the beast - 7 heads & 10 horns (7+10=17)
- Revelation 18 - Babylon falls (#18=666=sin)
- Revelation 19 - The Marriage of the Lamb
- Revelation 20 - Binding Satan and the final judgment
- Revelation 21 - Taken to the new Heaven and New Earth - new Jerusalem
- Revelation 22 - Jesus, The River of Life (#22 = Jesus the Suffering Servant)
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(By Norm Patriquin - All copies should refer readers to http://www.amazingword.com or this web page.
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