Bible Facts and Stats

Bible Facts and Stats
Line Nbr
Number books in the KJV and like Bibles
Number of full  books (not split) combining all like 1/2Kings, 1/2 Peter
Number of Chapters
Number of verses
Smallest number of chapters per book
Largest number of chapters per book (Psalms)
Ps 117
Shortest chapter (2 verses) And also the exact center chapter of the Bible (595th)
Ps 119
Longest Chapter (Ps 119 has 176 verses)
Ps 103:1-2
Center verses- Bless the LORD, O my soul.. in both verses (15551st verse)
Number of Old Testament Books (39 is number for Israel)
Number of New Testament Books (27 is like 77, a number assoc with Jesus)
Chapters in the OT Interesting-Matthew 1 is 930th chapter (39 in reverse)
Chapters in the NT
Number of Full Old Testament Books (combining split books) 36 also can represent 666 (3 sixes) representing sin or need for redemption
Number of Full New Testament Books (21 can be seen as 777-sanctification)
John 3
Key Chapter (home of John 3:16) and also the 1000th Bible Chapter
Number of authors (estimated at 40)
Years to create the Bible (estimated at 2000)
Following are some word and phrase occurrences found in the Bible
Is 6:7
17777th verse -“He touched my mouth…”Behold, this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven.”
STUMBLING BLOCK-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
MESSIAH-Found 8 times in 8 Verses
MOST HIGH-Found 50 times in 50 Verses
BLESS YOU-Found 37 times in 37 Verses
GOD ALMIGHTY-Found 7 times in 7 Verses
ATONEMENT-Found 88 times in 76 Verses
SOULS-Found 26 times in 26 Verses
THE NAME OF THE LORD-Found 104 times in 104 Verses
WICKED-Found 314 times in 300 Verses
WOE-Found 111 times in 99 Verses
VIRGIN-Found 50 times in 49 Verses
HOUSE OF JUDAH-Found 39 times in 39 Verses
NEW COVENANT-Found 7 times in 7 Verses
TREE OF LIFE-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
CREATED-Found 50 times in 44 Verses
GOD CREATED-Found 7 times in 7 Verses
HEEL-Found 6 times in 6 Verses
SKULL-Found 6 times in 6 Verses
PEACE-Found 360 times in 333 Verses
GLORY OF THE LORD-Found 38 times in 37 Verses-37=3 7s-777
THE LORD APPEARED-Found 22 times in 22 Verses
KINSMAN-Found 8 times in 8 Verses
THRESHING-Found 53 times in 53 Verses—Lifted Up
IT SHALL COME ABOUT-Found 30 times in 30 Verses
GODLY-Found 33 times in 33 Verses
FELL ON HIS FACE-Found 13 times in 13 Verses
HOST-Found 37 times in 35 Verses
OAK-Found 22 times in 21 Verses
WONDERFUL-Found 21 times in 20 Verses
REDEEMER-Found 19 times in 19 Verses
AS THE LORD LIVES-Found 33 times in 33 Verses
WHIRLWIND-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
LAMP-Found 36 times in 36 Verses
GLORIFY-Found 28 times in 25 Verses
PASSOVER-Found 79 times in 74 Verses
SCATTERED-Found 77 times in 75 Verses
PERISH-Found 99 times in 97 Verses
(KJV)-HEAVENS-Found 133 times in 127 Verses
RIGHTEOUS-Found 300 times in 282 Verses
THE WAY OF THE WICKED-Found 6 times in 6 Verses
MAJESTIC-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
SPLENDOR-Found 30 times in 29 Verses
PRESERVE-Found 29 times in 28 Verses]
FORSAKEN-Found 66 times in 63 Verses
CLOUDS-Found 51 times in 51 Verses
POURED OUT-Found 68 times in 66 Verses
EVERLASTING-Found 117 times in 110 Verses
FEAR OF THE LORD-Found 25 times in 25 Verses
PRIDE-Found 55 times in 51 Verses
BLESSED-Found 308 times in 288 Verses
GOOD NEWS-Found 28 times in 26 Verses
ADVERSITY-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
SHOULDER-Found 34 times in 33 Verses
ENDS OF THE EARTH-Found 30 times in 30 Verses
PLANNED-Found 22 times in 22 Verses
COMPLETED-Found 37 times in 37 Verses
TOO DIFFICULT-Found 9 times in 8 Verses
FAMINE-Found 106 times in 93 Verses
THE HAND OF THE LORD-Found 35 times in 35 Verses–COULD BE THE Holy Spirit?
MYSTERY-Found 28 times in 28 Verses
REVEALS-Found 8 times in 8 Verses
HOLY MOUNTAIN (777) -Found 21 times in 21 Verses
SUPPLICATION-Found 38 times in 37 Verses
VISION-Found 77 times in 71 Verses
MESSIAH-Found 8 times in 8 Verses
KNOWLEDGE-Found 156 times in 153 Verses
CONCEAL-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
goodness-found 22 times in 22 verses
SNATCHED-Found 9 times in 9 Verses–RAPTURE
THE NAME OF THE LORD-Found 104 times in 104 Verses
BEHOLD-Found 1218 times in 1172 Verses
TAKE HEED-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
SAMARITANS-Found 6 times in 6 Verses–sinners
IMPOSSIBLE-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
FEAST-Found 114 times in 103 Verses
WEDDING-Found 15 times in 15 Verses
SICK-Found 66 times in 66 Verses
VISITED-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
NAZARETH-Found 17 times in 17 Verses
HOLY ONE-Found 58 times in 56 Verses
FISH-Found 65 times in 60 Verses
LOOK!-Found 6 times in 6 Verses
PURIFICATION-Found 14 times in 13 Verses
CONSOLATION-Found 7 times in 7 Verses–Covenant Completed-Mesiah comes
DEVOUT-Found 9 times in 9 Verses
HOLY SPIRIT-Found 93 times in 92 Verses
IT IS WRITTEN-Found 76 times in 76 Verses
TWO MEN-Found 23 times in 23 Verses–23 God with us
HOUR-Found 91 times in 82 Verses
FROM THE DEAD-Found 53 times in 52 Verses
SERPENT-Found 38 times in 34 Verses
ETERNAL LIFE-Found 41 times in 41 Verses
SANCTIFY-Found 19 times in 18 Verses
DISCIPLE-Found 30 times in 28 Verses
VISIONS-Found 34 times in 34 Verses
UTTERLY DESTROYED-Found 24 times in 24 Verses
JESUS CHRIST-Found 135 times in 132 Verses
FORTY YEARS-Found 42 times in 42 Verses
GOD MADE-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
DIVINE-Found 13 times in 13 Verses
HOSTILE-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
UNGODLINESS-Found 6 times in 6 Verses
DISCIPLINE-Found 37 times in 36 Verses
BELIEVE-Found 152 times in 140 Verses
ASLEEP-Found 31 times in 31 Verses
SHOUT-Found 70 times in 62 Verses
COUNT-Found 35 times in 32 Verses
PRAY-Found 109 times in 106 Verses
INSPIRED-Found 3 times in 3 Verses–related to Gods Word
PROFITABLE-Found 8 times in 8 Verses
LITTLE WHILE-Found 32 times in 29 Verses
SHAKE-Found 29 times in 29 Verses–Rapture
SHOOK-Found 14 times in 14 Verses–rapture
UTTERANCE-Found 10 times in 10 Verses
THIEF-Found 25 times in 25 Verses
WHOLE WORLD-Found 14 times in 14 Verses
PROPITIATION-Found 4 times in 4 Verses
LOVE OF GOD-Found 11 times in 11 Verses
GREET-Found 50 times in 39 Verses–Jubilee-rapture–the Godly
TRIBULATION-Found 16 times in 16 Verses
WASHED-Found 39 times in 38 Verses–Israel
CALCULATE-Found 7 times in 7 Verses
MOUNT ZION-Found 21 times in 21 Verses


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