Tweets for #1111 – Number One-Thousand-One-Hundred-Eleven

  • 1111th verse-#1 cost/individual; Gen 37:27 let us “sell” “him” and not lay “our” hands on “him”-“he” is “our” brother-“our own”
  • Bible numbered in incredible ways; the 1110th chapter Col 3 about 1+1+1 “Holy Spirit”; peace of Christ in your heart/Christ in you
  • Bible numbers speak to us! #18 sin/affliction #666 sin/evil. 18=6+6+6; 2Thes 2, the 1118th chapter Satan exhaults himself. Rev 13:18 6+6+6
  • Bible’s DNA like numbering reveals text/verse ref correspondence–The “11124th” verse; 1Chr 27:14 ..the 11th for 11th division 24,000
  • Colossians chapter 4 – the 1111th #bible chapter where the text is undoubtedly written to the theme for number one –
  • Curious #bible numbering – the 11,222th verse contains ‘20,000’ 4 times – 11222 can be seen as 4 twos (2Chr 2:10)
  • Even the number of verses in chapters has meaning. The 1011th chap has 31 verses. The Trinity in John 14 #
  • God reveals mysteries to them open to believe-Mat 11:25 You have hidden these things from the wise and revealed them to infants #
  • Impossible #KJV numbering?; #11,111st verse is about counting; 1Chr 27:1 “the counting of the sons of Israel; 1000s; 100s; month by month..”
  • Is 12/21/2012 in the #Bible? Acts “12:21″&22 “took seat as a god” – looks like the Abomination of Desolation event in 2Thes 2:4
  • Rev 20:1 – The angel holding the key to the abyss is none other than Jesus himself
  • Tanakh+New Testament (929+260=1189 chap) = God’s perfect Word; KJV w/Jesus at center chapter (595) Ps 117 “Praise the LORD” in both verses
  • Wonderous #Bible Chapters “1101st” chapter Eph 4 one body_one Spirit_one hope_one Lord_one faith_one baptism_one God_each one.. #