- #KJV combines Old/NT books. How is it the exact 24,000th verse (Matt 24:42) strongly warns us of the coming DAY (24 hrs) of the LORD
- #24 – 24,000th Bible verse The Day of the Lord – Matt 24:42 “be on the alert, for you do not know which “day” your Lord is coming
- #Bible’s “11124th” verse – same numbers in text; 1Chr 27:14 The 11th for the 11th month..Benaiah..of sons of Ephraim..in his division 24,000
- #EASTER ABSOLUTE VERIFIABLE TRUTH ABOUT THE #KJV; The 24000th verse, Matthew 24:42 Watch, for you do not know the “DAY” your Lord will come
- #KJV number perfection doubt check… Bible’s 24,000th ver–Matt “24”:”42″ Be on the alert-you don’t know which DAY (24 hrs) your Lord comes
- 23,000th verse; Zech 8:”23″ it shall come to pass..ten men shall hold onto a Jew saying, We will go with you for we heard God is with you
- 24,000th verse; one will be taken, one left.. Matt 24:42 Watch! for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. #RAPTURE #KJV
- Amazing cross #Bible verse numbers–the “11124th” verse; 1Chr 27:14 The 11th for the 11th month Benaiah the Pirathonite..his division 24,000
- BIBLE MYSTERY: #23 re “God with us”. 23000th verse Zech 8:23 Let us go with you for we heard God is with you’ Mt 1:23 “IMMANUEL, God with us
- Bible Numbering Curiosities: The most incredible number flag in the Bible? In the 24,000th Bible verse at Matthew 24:42 warns us to watch out for the DAY OF THE LORD. https://t.co/eltQ3UBOob https://t.co/eltQ3UBOob # https:
- Bible’s wondrous #/text relationships; the “24000th” verse Matt “24”:”42″ be alert for you do not know when the “Day” of the LORD will be
- Evidences of Bibles 31 transitional verses # – 24,000th – Matt 24:42 be on the alert, you do not know which day your Lord comes
- Evidences.. 23,999th verse-people taken up. 24,000th verse-The “DAY” of the LORD #endtimes
- God says! Matt 24:42, 24,000th Bible verse “Be Alert! You don’t know when this DAY comes” (24 hours) https://t.co/kL4YVURv
- God’s Markers in scripture..The KJV’s 24,000th verse; DAY of the Lord; Matt 24:42 “be on alert, you do not know the DAY your Lord is coming
- Matt 24:42 is 24,000th #KJV verse WARNING US; Watch therefore: for ye know not what DAY (24 hours) your Lord doth come #AUTHENTICATIONCODE
- Matthew 24:42 about the “DAY” (24 hrs) of the Lord was not the 24,000th verse until Old/New Testament created one perfect book #
- Overwhelming evidence the Bible is precise — “11124th” verse 1Chr “11:14” “11th mth, 11th day, division of “24,000” #
- Put a big Red Flag in your Bible: 24,000th verse. Matthew 24:42 Be on alert for the “Day” of the LORD # http://t.co/J4Qc07ADoI
- Sharing Matthew 24:42 the 24,000th verse “be alert-you don’t know the (DAY)” (24) hours http://t.co/kL4YVURv http://t.co/SsgkExLU
- The 24,000th verse of the #KJV; The Day of the Lord – Matt 24:42 “be on the alert, for you do not know which “day” your Lord is coming
- Well known #24s – Matt 24:42, the 24000th verse about “the DAY of the Lord” — Psalm 118:”24″ This is the “DAY” which the LORD has made…