Stock Market fell 666 points! #666 is the number of the Beast, is found associated to sin/wickedness many places in the Bible # #stockmarket
#DowJones #NunesMemo
#18 & Sin/#666–The 1800th #NKJV #Bible verse–Ex 10:22 Moses stretched his hands out..then was darkness in the land for 3 days #
#18 like sin/#666 in – 2The 2:4..lawless one..he takes seat in temple..claiming to be God-29666th ver in 1118th chap #
#18ʚ (EVIL) The 666th verse of Matthew..20:”18″ “Jesus..will be delivered to chief priests..they will condemn Him to death #
#36 like #666 – Exo “3:6” He said “I am the God of..Abraham..Isaac, and Jacob.” Then Moses hid his face, for “he was afraid to look at God”
#6/#66/#666 related to sin and need to turn from sin. Watch the Bible’s 6:6 verses I tweet next. Then watch them as you do your #BibleStudy
#666 #bible’s DNA like numbers=sin-666th verse of Deu (25:11) men struggling..wife using her hand seizes his genitals
#666 & Sin-A disturbing/pivotal NT verse-many turn away from Jesus-John “6:66” many disciples were not walking with Him anymore #
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Daniel 3:6 “whoever does not fall down and worship shall…be cast into..blazing fire.”
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: 1Joh 3:6 no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him; 2Pet 3:6 the world was destroyed/flooded with water..
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: 1Tim 3:6 condemnation incurred by the devil; Col 3:6 the wrath of God will come upon sons of disobedience
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Exo 3:6 Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look at God. Est 3:6 Haman sought to destroy all the Jews
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Eze 36:36 the heathen left around you will know I the LORD build the ruined places/plant what was desolate
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Jer 3:6 Have you seen what faithless Israel did? she was a harlot; John 3:6 That born of the flesh is flesh
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Judg 3:6 ..they took their wives, and gave their..daughters to their sons…served their gods.
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Mic 3:6 without divination…the day will become dark over them; Lam 3:6 In dark places He has made me dwell
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Mrk 3:6 Pharisees conspiring how they might destroy Him; Zep 3:6 I cut off nations/Their cities laid waste
#666 Bible’s 3:6 verses and sin: Rom 3:6 ..if unrighteousness shows righteousness of God..;Nahm 3:6 I will throw filth on you/make you vile
#666 Bible’s nn666th Bible verses re sin validate that only God could author and number the Bible. No other explanation for this perfection!
#666 EVIL/GREAT SIN; 666th verse of Matthew; Matt 20:”18″ the Son of man shall be betrayed..and they shall condemn him to death; v18=6+6+6
#666 EVIL/WICKED; The 666th verse of Ecc; Ecc 7:15 I have seen in my vanity….a wicked man prolongs his life in his wickedness
#666 Evidence of supernaturally numbered Bible; 666th Bible chapter Ecc 7 “sin chapter” no one does good & never sins #
#666 Evidence preponderance of supernatural Bible; 2The 2:4, the 29,666th verse — Antichrist displays himself as God #
#666 Evil Afraid; #666th ver of 1Ki, 18:42 Ahab went to eat (seeing Elijah he dropped to the ground) and put his face between his knees
#666 Overwhelming found in Bible related to sin/evil; 2The 2:4, the 29,666th verse — Antichrist displays himself as God
#666 See 3:6 verses 6-6-6; Genesis “3:6” the woman saw the tree was good for make one wise she took and ate
#666 See 3:6 verses=666/sin; Gen “3:6” the woman saw the tree was good for make one wise she took and ate
#666 The #HolyBible’s 3:6 verses point to mans sin/wickedness (6-6-6=3 sixes). ANOTHER EXAMPLE: James 3:6 the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity:…, that it defiled the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
#666 Watch the #HolyBible’s 3:6 verses and how they point out sin… (Gematria: 3:6 like three sixes);
#666 Wickedness/Evil; (16616th verse/636th chapter); Prov 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil..Pride and arrogance and the evil way..
#666 about Sin/Evil — the 6666th Bible verse – Judg 6:11 the angel of the LORD came..Gideon was beating out wheat to save it (removing sin)
#666 about great sin; The 26660th-26669th Bible verses; John 13:29-38; Judas goes to betray Jesus..Peter to deny Jesus 3 times #
#666 about sin — the 6666th #Bible verse; Judg “6:11” LORD came…Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press “to save it” #
#666 about sin-DNA like #bible numbering shows #36 like #666 (3 sixes) verse of original sin Gen 3:6 “she took the fruit and ate”
#666 about sin-the 666th Bible chapter about the sinfulness of men – Ecc 7:29 .. God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices
#666 and #66 about evil/sin; The Bible’s 26656th ver is 611th (6×11) of John–13:25 Peter says to Jesus-“Lord-who is it?” Judas #
#666 and 36; The Bible validates its own perfection; patterns of 3:6 verses consistent in both Old/New Testaments …The same author…GOD!
#666 and 3:6 verses. Every number has a positive and negative side, but all relate to a common theme. The Bible’s 3:6 verses relate to sin
#666 and Sin; 18,666th verse re sin: Isa 50:3 I clothe the heavens with blackness..I make sackcloth their covering—Numbering has meaning!
#666 and evil/sin – 666th verse of 1Kings – 18:42 So Ahab went up…he crouched down…and put his face between his knees (scared to death)
#666 and evil/sin – 666th verse of Deuteronomy — 25:11 “If …a man and his countryman are struggling…and the wife…seizes his genitals…
#666 and evil/sin – 666th verse of Matthew – 20:(v18) …the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests..they will condemn Him to death
#666 and evil/sin Isa “66:6” A voice of uproar..from the temple..The voice of the rendering recompense to His enemies #
#666 and evil; The 29,666 verse.. 2The 2:4 Antichrist exhaults himself sitting in the temple shewing himself that he is God. #JesusIsGod
#666 and sin. #Bible’s 17,666th verse. Worthless offerings .. Isa 1:11 what purpose are your many sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD.
#666 and sin; Isa “66:6” A voice of uproar..from the temple-..the LORD who is rendering recompense to His enemies #
#666 and sin; John “6:66” many disciples were not walking with Him anymore. Incredibly, Bible numbering has meaning #
#666 evil fears God; 666th ver of 1Kings; c18:v42 So Ahab went..and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees
#666 evil fears God; 666th ver of Mark, 16:8 ..they fled from the sepulchre..they trembled..they spoke to no one..for they were afraid
#666 found #KJV related to sin/evil; 2The 2:4, the 29,666th verse — Antichrist displays himself as God
#666 in #Bible – sin – John 6:66 As a result, many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore #
#666 in #Bible about sin-the 6666th verse-Judg 6:11 the angel of the LORD came as his son Gideon was beating out wheat…in order to save it
#666 in #bible #18 related 6+6+6; Rev 13:18 “number of the beast” 666 in 18th verse/1180th chapter # #atheism
#666 in #bible – sin/terror – 1Kin 18:42 So Ahab went up to eat and drink-he crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees
#666 in #bible = sin/consequences of sin Isa 66:6 A voice of uproar from the temple/of the LORD who is rendering recompense to His enemies
#666 in #bible about sin-the #666th verses of books; 1Kings 18:42 the 666th verse of 1Kings – Ahab bent over in fear #
#666 in #bible about sin; the 29,666th verse; 2The 2:4 #antichrist – he takes his seat in the temple displaying himself as God –
#666 in Bible is consistently related to sin/evil; Isa “66:6” …the LORD is rendering recompense to His enemies
#666 in the #Bible sin/wickedness; the 666th chapter about sin; Ecc 7 – v20 there is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins
#666 is about sin in the Bible;The 666th #KJV chapter-Ecclesiastes 7 – v20 there is not a righteous man on earth..who never sins
#666 is about sin/wickedness in the Bible; The 666th chapter Ecc 7 there is not a righteous man on earth..who never sins
#666 is in several places # of evil, The Great Plague was in 1665 & 1666…stay tuned 65/66/56 related– 56000 dead?
#666 is not just the number of the beast; it is a number of sin/wickedness. Throughout Bible verses re sin are marked w/666 or #36
#666 points to Sin/Evil ; In John “6:66” people turn away from Jesus — many disciples were not walking with Him anymore
#666 re sin; Evidence for a divinely numbered Bible; 2The 2:4, the 29,666th verse — The Antichrist displays himself as God
#666 re sin; the 22666th #KJV verse; Mic 7:1 Woe is me! I am Like the fruit pickers; 666th chap Ecc 7 There is no one righteous #
#666 re sin; the 6666th verse; Judg 6:11 Gideon was beating out wheat (IE removing sin) on threshing floor…in order to save it #EndTimes
#666 vs #77; previous tweets show how chapter and verse 6:6 vs 7:7 consistently reveal their own unique themes. No coincidence!
#666, the number of the Beast, is found associated to sin/wickedness many places in the Bible
#666/#18 Rev 13:”18″ the number of the that of a man..six hundred and sixty-six—18=6+6+6—this is the 1118th chap
#666/#18/#36 (6+6+6) SIN/EVIL; Rev 13:18 “# of the beast is 6-6-6”; Gen 3:6 the woman took from the tree and ate; Luke 13 Bound “18” years
#666=EVIL/GREAT SIN; The 6661st verse; Judg “6:6” Israel was greatly persecuted by the Midianites; the children of Israel cried to the LORD
#666=SIN; The Bible’s 666th chapter declares all have sinned; Ecc 7:20 there is not a just man upon earth, that does good and does not sin
#666=great sin; The New Testament’s 3666th verse; John 18:25 Peter..warmed himself.. Are you one of his disciples? He denied it.. “I am not”
#Bible Number Symbols Ecc 7 the 666th (sin) chapter wickedness of seeking pleasure #christiannews
#Bibles 6:12 ver re: #666 Eph 6:12 “our struggle is not against flesh/blood but against forces of evil” #
#Bibles 6:12 ver ref re #666 Eph 6:12 “our struggle is not against flesh&blood but against forces of evil” #
#Bibles 6:12 verses – evil-666 Gen 6:12 God looked on the earth-behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth
#Bibles 6:12 verses Rev 6:12 I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth
#Bibles 6:12 verses1 row on clipboard — Matt 6:12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
#God’s #18 directly related to #666 (6+6+6) Famous verse in 1180th(18) Chapter–Rev 13:””18″” “The number of the beast…6-6-6” #
#KJV numbering perfection; #666=sin/evil; 666th chapter; Ecc 7:20 ..there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and who never sins
#bible #666 and sin; 666th verse of 1Samuel; 25:17 ..evil is plotted against our master and his household; and he is such a worthless man…
6-6-6–2Thes 2:4 (a #24 Day of the LORD verse), the 29666th #Bible verse-#29=Jesus return–#666 evil/sin …exalts himself as God #endtimes
666 re sin and evil; 666th verse of 1Sam 25 — v17 evil is plotted against our master and against his household..he is such a worthless man
6666th verse Judg 6:11 the angel of the LORD came and sat under the oak..Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press in order to save it
666=EVIL/GREAT SIN; Only 2 66:6 verses in #KJV; In both, God destroys the enemy; Psa 66:6 turns sea into dry land: Isa 66:6 LORD’s revenge
A number of Wickedness — The #666th verse of Job (29:3) When His lamp shone over my head, And by His light I walked through “”darkness””
Amazing Bible numbering; #666=evil/sin; Bible’s 26661th verse; John 13:30 after receiving the morsel Judas went to betray Jesus #
Be in awe of the #HolyBible; #666 and destruction of evil; Isa 66:6 a voice from the temple..of the LORD rendering recompence to his enemies
Be in awe of the #HolyBible; #666 and destruction of evil; Psa 66:6 He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot
Best numbered Bible chapters; 666th chapter is Ecc 7 “Sin Chapter” ‘no one does good and never sins’ #KJV
Bible (KJV,NIV) #36 re sin; Isa 36:12 warn all including the doomed men who sit on the wall to eat their own dung and drink their own urine
Bible (KJV,NIV) #36 re sin; Psalm 36:3 his words wickedness..ceased to do good v4 He plans wickedness..He does not despise evil #
Bible Numbering Curiosities: #666 is found many places in scripture associated with EVIL or GREAT SIN — Notice the sin in this #666 related verse in John “6:66” “From that time many of his disciples (turned away) and walked no more with Jesus #Apologet
Bible mysteries: #666 Great Sin. Not coincidence…John 6:66 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.
Bible mysteries: #666 re:Sin…not coincidence: Isa 66:6 A voice of uproar from the temple of the LORD.. rendering recompense to His enemies
Bible numbering highlights the text. #666=sin/evil. The “10,666th” Bible verse 1Chr 10:6 Saul and his family die for sins against God.
Bible numbering reveals the #HolyBible is supernaturally perfect. Just 2 66:6 verses both about God destroying enemies. Psa 66:6/Isa 66:6
Bible validates its text. #18=6+6+6; #666; The 1180th chapter 6+6+6 in text; Rev 13:18 number of the beast…his number is 666.
Bible validates its text. #18=6+6+6; #666; The 666th verse of Matt; c20:v18 the Son of man shall be betrayed..shall condemn him to death
Bible validates the text. #18=6+6+6; #666; The 29666th verse, the 1118th chap; 2The 2:4 Antichrist sits in temple as if he is God
Bible’s #36 re Sin/Evil; Gen 3:6 orig sin; (666=3 6s); 636th chap w/36 verses re sin has 16616th ver Prov 8:13 fear of LORD is to hate evil
Bible’s #36 re fighting sin; Chap w/36 ver; Judges 1 fighting Canaanites (adversary) but Israel didn’t drive out the inhabitants of the land
Bible’s #36 re fighting sin; Chap w/36 ver; Nbrs 10 – trumpets to sound alarm; v9 marching to war against adversary; v35 let enemies scatter
Bible’s #36 regarding sin (3 6s=666); Chapters w/36 ver; Ezek 27 — the Lament over Tyre’s sin; v36 you will cease to be forever
Bible’s (KJV,NIV) #36 re sin; Jer 36 warning Judah so every man will turn from his evil way-then I will forgive their iniquity and their sin
Blog post – The theme running through the Bible’s 6:12 verses appears related to #666 and great sin #
CURIOUS BIBLE NUMBERING: #666 and #36(6,6,6) and #18(3×6) numbers about wickedness and turning from it. Hundreds of examples in the Bible’s numbering. IE Psalm 36 is about the wicked: transgression of the wicked says within my heart that there is no fea
CURIOUS VERSE NUMBERING; #666=EVIL/GREAT SIN; EXAMPLE: Isaiah 66:6 A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that rendereth recompence to his enemies. #stockmarket #dowjones #nunesmemo
CURIOUS VERSE NUMBERING; #666=EVIL/GREAT SIN; John “6:66” From that time many of his disciples (turned away) and walked no more with #stockmarket #dowjones #nunesmemo
Coincidence? 666 & sin – John “6:66” As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore #
Coincidence? 666&Sin – 666th ver of 1Kin v18:42 Ahab..crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees; terror/fear
Coincidence? 666&sin #KJV 29666th verse 2The 2:4 antichrist exalts himself and takes seat in the temple..displaying himself as God
Coincidence? 666&sin Isa “66:6” voice of uproar from the temple…The voice of the LORD who is rendering recompense to His enemies
Coincidence? 666&sin/The 6661st verse; Judg “6:6” So Israel was brought very low because of Midian, and the sons of Israel cried to the LORD
Coincidence? 666&sin; The “26661st” verse of #KJV; John 13:30 So after receiving the morsel he went was night–Judas betrays #Jesus
Coincidence? 666/Sin – 666th ver of 1Sam v25:17 ..evil is plotted against our master and against his household..he is such a worthless man
Coincidence? 666/Sin – 666th ver of Deu; v25:11 ..two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling—wife..comes near..seizes his genitals
Coincidence? 666/Sin – 666th ver of Jer v27:16 Don’t listen to prophets saying LORD’s vessels taken from Babylon–they are prophesying a lie
Coincidence? 666/Sin – 666th ver of Job v29:3 ..His lamp shone over my head…by His light I walked through “darkness”;
Coincidence? 666/Sin; 666th ver of Luke v14:6 “they could make no reply” to ques: Which of you have a son fall into a well and not save him?
Coincidence? 666/Sin; 666th ver of New Testament Matt 20:18 the Son of Man will be delivered to chief priests-THEY WILL CONDEMN HIM TO DEATH
Coincidence? 666/Sin; 666th verse of Mark v16:8 They..fled from the tomb..trembling and astonishment gripped them; and they..were afraid
Coincidence? 666/repent; 6666th ver #KJV Judg “6:11” angel of the LORD came-Gideon was beating out wheat in wine press in order to save it
Cool Bible Numbering – 2Thes “man of lawlessness (#666)” verse 4 is 29,666th Bible verse – he takes seat in temple displaying himself as God
Cross Bible verse numbers; 666=Antichrist 2The 2:4 he exalts himself..takes seat in temple displaying himself as God; “29666”th Bible verse
Curious #Bible verses-#666, # for the beast (rev 13:18) – Isa “66:6” …the LORD…rendering recompense to His enemies
Do you believe in coincidence? In 666th ver of 1Sam (25:17) evil is plotted against our master..he is a worthless man..” #
Do you believe in coincidence? In 666th ver of Deu (25:11) ..two are struggling together..wife comes and seizes one’s genitals #
Do you believe in coincidence? In 666th ver of Jer (27:16) ..don’t listen to your prophets..they are prophesying a lie to you #
Do you believe in coincidence? In 666th ver of Job (29:3) His lamp shone over my His light I walked through “darkness” #
Do you believe in coincidence? In 666th ver of Mark (16:8) They fled from the tomb-trembling gripped them for they were afraid #
Do you believe in coincidence? In the 666th ver of 1Kngs (18:42) Ahab went up & crouched down & put his face between his knees #
Do you believe in coincidence? The 666th (symbolic of evil) verse of Matthew (v18=6+6+6) “..they will condemn Jesus to death” #
Ecclesiastes chapter 7, the 666th Bible chapter warns of the wickedness of seeking pleasure
Every Bible number has a theme; See how the 18:18 verses (#18) like “666” point to great sin
Every Bible verse divinely numbered? RE: #666 – 2The 2:4, 29,666th #KJV verse — “Antichrist” displays himself as God
Evidence-preponderance of ‘s DNA-like perfection #666 & Evil Matt “26:66” what do you think? They answered, “”He deserves death!””
FACT: #666 is about sin/wickedness. The 66th chapter.. Ecclesiastes 7 “there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not”
From the #Bible’s 666th chapter (evil) Ecc 7:20 “indeed-there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and who never sins” #
From the #Bible’s 666th chapter; Ecc 7:17 Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you die before your time?
God’s Bible Numbering; 2Thes 2:4 man of lawlessness (#666) is 29,666th Bible verse – he takes seat in temple displaying himself as God
God’s Message to Us in Chapter Numbers — 28 Chapter 6 themesexamples showing #6/#666 i…
God’s Word and numbers – 36=3 sixes (666) related to sin; Genesis 3:6 she saw the tree was good…she took its fruit and ate
Great support for #666 meaning (sin) is in 666th chap; Read it. Ecc 7. IE v20 there is not a just man upon earth that does good/without sin
Incredible #KJV #Bible nbrs–#666 & Sin-Isa “66:6” ..from the temple, The voice of the LORD rendering recompense to His enemies #
Interesting 666/sin/repentance related verse — no accident — Isa 66:6 The LORD rendering recompense to His enemies #
Last one for tonight; #666 and sin; The Bible’s 16660th verse; Prov 10:3 The LORD… casteth away the substance of the wicked.
More #666 (coincidence?) John “6:66” As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore
More #666 Isa “66:6” A voice of uproar..from the temple-The voice of the LORD who is rendering recompense to His enemies #
Not Coincidence-Rev 13:18 ..number of the that of a man..six hundred and sixty-six—18=6+6+6—this is the 1118th chap &18th ver
Number Symbolism #666 SIN– Bible’s 6666th verse Jud 6:11 (6*11=66) Jesus comes to Gideon beating out wheat to save it –
Number Symbolism #666 SIN-Bible’s 6661st verse Judges 6:6 Israel brought very low because of Midian-cried out to the LORD
Overwhelming evidence #666 in Bible related to sin/evil; 2Thes 2:4 (the 29,666th verse) Antichrist displays himself as God
Pattern of #KJV’s 3:6 verses being about #666 & sin; Matthew 3:6 …they confessed their sins #
Patterns reveal #36 (3 sixes) like #666 – First sin Gen “3:6” the woman saw the tree was desirable to make one wise she took from it and ate
Secrets from the Bible: From the 666th chapter – Ecc 7:20 there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins (#666 and sin)
So many evidences for #666&Sin The 666th #KJV chapter-Ecclesiastes 7 re:sin of men-v20 there is not a righteous man on earth..who never sins
The #666th verse of Jer (27:16) “LORD said-Do not listen to the words of your prophets who prophesy–for they are prophesying “a lie” to you
The #666th verse of Mark (16:8) They..fled from the tomb..trembling/astonished..they said nothing to anyone for “they were afraid”
The 666th verse of 1Sam (25:17) “..know and consider what you should do, for “evil” is plotted against our master and against his household”
The 666th verse of 1Sam (25:17) “know and consider what you should do, for “evil” is plotted against our master and against his household”
The 666th verse of Deu (25:11) ..if two men are struggling together and the wife of one comes..and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals
The 666th verse of Luke – 14:6 “And they could make no reply to this” — lawyers and Pharisees could not explain their sin
The 666th verse of Mark – Mrk 16:8 They fled from the tomb..trembling-astonishment gripped them…they said nothing…for they were afraid
The 666th verse of Matthew (20:”18″) the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests.. “”they will condemn Him to death””
The 666th verse of Matthew (20:18) “Behold-the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests&scribes “”they will condemn Him to death””
The 666th verse of Matthew (20:18) Sin/Evil “the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests&scribes “they will condemn Him to death”
The 666th verse of Matthew (20:18) the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests/scribes..they will condemn Him to death
The 666th verse of Matthew – great sin – 20:18(6+6+6) the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests…they will condemn Him to death
The LORD speaks thru numbers #666; 666th #KJV chapter Ecc 7 there is not a righteous man on earth who..does good and who never sins
Understanding the word & numbers- #36 is like (3 sixes) relates to 666/sin; Exo 3:6 Moses hid his face-afraid to look at God
#Bible triple number symbolism; 666(36)=SIN; 777(37)=SALVATION; 888(38)=JESUS/GODLINESS; 999(39)=PERSEVERING TO THE END/LAST THINGS
#666 #bible’s DNA like numbers=sin-666th verse of Deu-25:11 men struggling-the wife puts her hand and seizes his genitals #atheism
Interesting! #666/#66 in Bible – Just noticed today shows 666 blog visitors to my post on #66 book verses re wickedness